Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Faith Without Works Is Dead

Hello to all of you first responders out there. I'm extremely excited about finally stepping out on Faith and pursuing an opportunity to share God's word with you. I'm trying to learn more about blogging, however, I'm not going to allow the devil to get in the way of my doing God's work. So let's get started now, and God will take it from there.

As each day goes by, and I get more acquainted with blogging, lets get to know each other and start sharing about how great God has been to us. I look forward to meeting you all.

In His Service,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I actually love the connection any man/woman has with God, the Almighty. Your writing is very inspiring and allows the reader to really appreciate the hard work of all the women and men of our armed forces. I love getting up and doing the small things such as what you've written about regarding the daily chores. It's very important that the readers understands that we're able to do this with a cost just as you mention. I just wanted to take the time to comment and say a prayer for you and your family whom I adore a lot and to give u encouraging words of continuing your blogging and know that its touching many people. Good job and keep it up, I want to hear more.
Trashon Reine
From Hahnville, LA