Sunday, May 6, 2012

Deep Roots

The New Orleans Outreach had an awesome night this past Thursday in the Big Easy.  But there is nothing “EASY” about what our team of servants do.  They are extremely committed to a life of sharing themselves with others. And that’s a beautiful thing.   Evangelism and the sharing our faith is an essential part of our spiritual growth, and more important than that…it’s a commandment from God.  Most of us are familiar with the “Great Commission”.  I would summarize Matthew 28: 19-20 like this.  Jesus said to get off your butt and go tell people about me, and don’t worry because I got your back when you do it.  That’s exactly what they do.

Let’s talk a moment about my home garden.  Some of you have heard me make reference to my garden during past offering teachings at Covenant Church.  Currently I’m growing bell peppers (different varieties), yellow squash, cucumbers, tomatoes and watermelon.   The seeds I’ve planted will yield me a great harvest for several reasons.  

  • I've planted my seed in good soil.  My soil has been tested and proven.
  • I’ve watered my seeds, picked the weeds, and treated them for pest.
  • I’m patient.  The seeds I’ve planted need time.  They know when to turn into a harvest.  And I don’t question the process.

Because I’ve done these things and more, my seeds will start to grow and the roots will get so deep and strong that they will have no choice but to produce an abundant harvest over and over again.

It is impoprtant for us to live our lives in a similar way.  God called me and my family to Covenant Church over nine years ago for several reasons.  He planted us there.  He knew then like he knows now that Covenant Church was good soil.  It was proven soil.  Since that time, we like you, have been faithful servants.  People have poured into our lives along the way.  God’s word has removed past scars from our lives, and as for the pest, he removed them too.  God was patient with us because he knew we needed time.  And time has deepened our roots to the point that our harvest has been continually coming in. And now, just like that garden of mine, we are bearing an abundant harvest of fruit. I share that with you because my prayer is that your roots are deep too.  That you are excited about what God has done and is still doing in your life. That you are bearing so much fruit that the characteristics of Christ is evident in your life daily.

How deep are your roots?  Can God use you where you are right now, or is He waiting for you to decide on where the two of you should meet.  You are here for a reason.  Stay connected and prepare for your harvest to manifest in your life.

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