Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Why Did I Get Married

If you’ve seen the movie “Why Did I Get Married” then you know the plot. If not, the films basic premise is about the difficulty of maintaining a solid marriage in modern times. Both movies were full of laughs and it certainly lived up to its purpose of entertaining its audience.
The unfortunate truth is marriage today has become more like a reality show. Talk show host from Dr. Phil, to Oprah Winfrey broadcast endless shows on divorce, cohabiting outside of marriage, and same sex marriage. There seems to be on a weekly basis some famous athlete or tv/movie star whose marriage or lack thereof is being paraded in the news. Just this past week it was announced that former Vice President Al Gore and his wife Tipper were divorcing after 40 years of marriage. “That’s a down right shame” Fortunately this a positive message, so I am proud to say that today is the founders of my church, Dr. Jesse and Cathy Duplantis 40th Anniversary. Read on to learn of the benefit package they are enjoying.

So, why did you get married? And if you are not married, why should you? I’m certain that you can do a Google search and find all kinds of reasons why you should never get married. Someone reading this may even be asking themselves the question, “Why Did I Get Married”? Through this writing my prayer is that you will discover, reaffirm, or confirm that despite what you see on television, in the news or at the movies, marriage is still a good thing. So let’s talk about some of those good things.
Marriage is a good idea:
Since the beginning of time man and woman have joined together. From the Garden of Eden until today, men along with their wives have created families, communities, and nations. They have received God’s blessing to “Be Fruitful and Multiply”. In Genesis 2:18 the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” The Hebrew translation for helper is “ezer”. But wouldn’t you know it, this is not the only translation. It also means strength. Another translation is to save or rescue. Often times we think of this verse to mean that God created woman to play a supportive role. Sort of like, you stand in the back ground until needed role. Genesis 2: 18 simply means that God has made woman (your wife) a power (or strength) corresponding or equal to man. God knew something that some men never figure out. That we as men can’t do it alone. We are stronger and wiser with our wives by our side. Equally making our families stronger, our communities more prosperous and forging a God-like bond that’s unbreakable to the enemy around us.
The Blessings of romance:
Have you ever taken the time to read the Song of Solomon. This guy had it figured out. Solomon talks about how marriage should be celebrated, enjoyed, and revered. There are five themes that are illustrated is his song: Sex, Love, Commitment, Beauty and Problems. Let’s briefly touch on them.
SEX - God wants sex to be motivated by love and mutual commitment. Sex should come with mutual pleasure not selfish enjoyment.
LOVE - In Chapter 8: 6,7 the girl states that love is strong as death; it can't be killed by time or disaster, and it cannot be purchased with any price, because it is freely given. (Also see 1 Corinthians 13 for a biblical meaning of love)
COMMITMENT - Lets think of marriage as a car. Washing the car keeps it pretty and makes you feel good. Changing the oil and routine maintenance keeps the car running. Well romance is like washing the car, while commitment is the oil that keeps the romance from dwindling away. Got it men.
BEAUTY - Our praise should not be limited to physical beauty; beautiful personality and moral purity should also be praised.
PROBLEMS - Now you didn’t think that the enemy was going to just sit back and let you enjoy all that loving and romance while all the time praising God. Did you? Go back to the car. Wash it, and change the oil. Take vacations together, communicate often, and cover your marriage. My pastor always talks about making a plan. Most Christian men never plan to let the enemy (in all its form) come into their marriage. However, men seldom forget to plan not to allow the enemy to come in. It's a battle. We as men have to fortify out marriage. Put up barriers. Purposely make an effort to protect your wife and marriage on a daily basis.

Marriage as a symbol of Christ and the Church
- Ephesians 5:21-31 is a well known scripture that really indicates the importance of Marriage to Christ. It speaks of submission which is an often misused word. In marriage both the husband and the wife are called to submit. For the wives it means the willingness to follow her husbands leadership in Christ. For the husband it means to put aside your own interest to care for and protect your wife. Husbands if you are not leading a godly principle life in every area of your life, then it becomes difficult for your wife to follow (submit) to your lead. In contrast, if you are, then I believe the teaching Paul is referring to will naturally occur. Paul’s teaching also speaks of risking your life to help or save your wife. Christ's love for the church is without limits, nothing is held back. He gave His life for the church - before you loved Him. His love does not depend on your love for Him. Under God's authority - love your wife as service--as giving your life to God.

Why did I get married? Look at all the benefits. We love our benefits don't we. Benefits are God's way of showering his folks with blessings. Marriage is a beautiful thing. I've been married to my lovely queen for 10 years. We have an awesome marriage that has garnered thousands upon thousands of blessings. I have to be honest with you, Nicole and I did not get married knowing about any of these blessings. I've missed a few oil changes along the way. Fortunately Nicole kind of got hip to the benefit package that God was offering married folks that were committed to His way. The only problem was we could not receive any of those benefits until I stepped up and figured out my part. God saw that I needed help and so he was gracious enough to place married couples in our path that were not just talking the talk, but walking the walk. And so here we are. Receiving the benefits. Those blessings.
Marriage is a great thing. If you are married and already receiving the package. Awesome- Seek out folks that need to know. If you are married and want these blessings- seek out someone that can show you how to receive them and stay in the word. If you are not married, now is the time. Don't wait. The benefits are awesome.


Anonymous said...

Now that is an awesome message! marriage is and always will be the key to a life of God's blessings! He has blessed it in the beginning, and He will always bless the marriage! That's an incredible, and eternal message for married and single people! Thanks Kenny!

Unknown said...

Hello bro Kenney. Wow, you've done a great job. I see you and Nicole and I admire the not only the image but the fact that you love your wife. Blessing to you both and many more years of marriage benefits. Debra Bouza

Ashley said...

I'm not married but these are some great pointers for me! Awesome message Dad! :)

Nicole Day said...


When God said no limits, I definately have that when it comes to a husband,you are the husband I always believed God for and more....I can go on and on about you.
I know you will continue to bless many others.
You are a great example. I'm so very proud of you.
My love
My King

I love you!

Your wife,
Nicole Day