Sunday, June 27, 2010

Confront The Enemy

Let me first apologize for the absence in my postings. I want make any excuses because excuses are the nails used to build a house of failure. And God’s people don’t fail.

I woke up this morning feeling great. After a busy Friday and long work day on Saturday, I came home to a nice warm bath, ran compliments of my lovely wife. We played a board game (Life) with the kids and then went straight to bed. I finally got a chance to relax and get a full night of sleep. The opportunity to clear my mind of everyday life allowed me to make room to clearly hear from God.

My wife recently came to me and stated that she was considering closing her Facebook account. Nicole was never really in to Facebook. She started selling candles (by the way they smell great) and I encouraged her to try it. I told her that it might be a great way to start networking and get the word out about her candles. Reluctant at first, she tried it and has been online for about a year now. Today, she mostly uses it to keep track of the kids and has connected with many past and current friends from growing up and from her church family. So for her to tell me that she was considering closing the account was surprising. More surprising was her reason for wanting to close the account. It was due to some negative comments some folks had left about some friends of ours. You know the kind of comment I’m talking about. The ones people make that leave little clues about who the target is without saying there name. I basically told her that she should reconsider closing the account and here’s why.

I know some of you out there may have had to stand up for a friend and family member and go toe to toe with someone over it. Yeah, I’m talking about a fight. There may have been a time when you heard that the guy at school or work was making negative comments about someone in your family or a friend. If so, you probably would have confronted that person. Right! Well I believe that it’s about time for Christians to stop being wimps and cowards and start standing up to those folks who think they can make any comment they want without it being challenged. It’s time to get bold and courageous and start standing up to folks who leave comments that do not line up with the will of God. We have to confront them and call them out when they say things that are hurtful and wrong. Regardless of who they are. I am sick and tired of Christians sitting idly by while these cyber thugs write there hate allowing it to go unchecked.

On June 25, l962, 39 million students were forbidden to do what they and their predecessors had been doing since the founding of our nation – publicly calling upon the name of the God at the beginning of each school day. Our kids can no longer do that. Do you know why? It’s because Christians were lazy then and are still lazy today. In any survey you find you will see that almost 80% of Americans identify themselves as Christians. So you tell me how we can allow a politician to past any law that does not line up with God’s will. How prayer in schools can be deemed unconstitutional if that many folks call themselves Christians. It’s simply because Christians have given up there voice. Instead of standing tall and proclaiming God’s word, we hide behind passive religion, afraid to stand up. You here statements like—"I’ll just pray for them". Or, “I’m just going to walk in love and ignore them” Chritians have been ignoring the world for so long that they never realize the rights they are giving up until they are gone. We have to stop running and ignoring the fact that we are in a war and the only way to win this war is to engage the enemy. We have to confront those who use the internet (Facebook) as a tool to spread negative thoughts like a virus.

When someone leaves a comment that you know to be wrong, don’t be afraid to confront that person. Start by telling them I disagree with your comment and then tell them why. Before deleting that person from your account make an effort to teach them that what they are saying is wrong and why. Stop hiding behind passive religion and start standing up for God.

Remember the Great Commission. It is one of the most significant passages in the Bible. First, it's the last recorded personal instruction given by Jesus to His disciples. Second, it's a special calling from Jesus Christ to all His followers to take specific action while on this earth.

And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen. (Matthew 28:18-20)

Study God’s word and know what He has commanded you to do. More importantly, know that He is with you. Don’t be afraid to confront and challenge those folks who use Facebook or any other avenue to spread hate and lies. If you turn away and not confront it, you join the rest of the so called Christians who have given up their voice.


Mayra Rivera-Spearman said...

As an old childhood friend and a Sister-in-Christ of your beautiful wife Nicole, I am in total agreement with you. I too encourage Nicole to keep her Facebook account open and take a stand. We all bear the responsibilities of teaching, not just praying, for those who trespass against us. It is appalling that she experienced this horrible ordeal, but I believe that from this situation we all can learn, grow and show others how to address and deal with situations such as this.

Thank you for sharing your testimony and I pray that this enables all of us to take a stand and unites us all to continue the GOOD fight. You gave us a great example from the book of Matthew. We are ALL equipped, protected and shield by the Word of God. We all have been instructed to follow through and do God’s Will and He has promised to be with us until the end of the age.

Although I have never had the privilege in meeting you personally, I thank God for you. Thank you for being who God has called you to be; for being a WONDERFUL Husband to my Sister; a GREAT Dad to your children; and an AWESOME Mentor to everyone who reads your blogs. May God continue to use you to touch and change BILLIONS. Stay blessed!

Your Sister-in-Christ,
Mrs. Mayra Rivera-Spearman

M. Hilaire said...

Studying the word of God is the best weapon we have against those who spead hate and lies. When the enemy attacks and we use his word his word will convict.

Thanks nothing like positive communication.

Anonymous said...

Amen my brother! I believe as Christians we should take a stand and not avoid or ignore when something is not right! As I have said amen my brother amen!!