Wednesday, December 22, 2010


It’s been sometime since I’ve expressed my thoughts about some of the issues that are important to me. And since my last writing a lot has happen. Other than the BLESSINGS that I receive on a daily basis, life is simply amazing. I finally went back to school to pursue a Masters degree. My lovely wife works for an awesome ministry. And we were blessed with a 2003 Anniversary Edition Harley Road King. Nicole's new motto is "Live to Ride". I can't keep that girl out of the Harley store. Roy and Mary, thank you so much for your love and kindness and for giving Nicole and I another tool to sharpen our marriage and magnify God.

Although I’ve been extremely busy, I’ve had plenty of time to reflect and focus on the things that are important to me. e.g., My God, My Family, My Job etc…These and many other “My’s” are the life blood that keeps a smile on my face and joy in my heart.

I want to talk to you about a little word that's been on my heart for some time now.  And that word is "Loyalty" If you've been spending time in the word and or hearing from your pastor, then you should at least have a basic understanding of why you or someone you know may not be receiving the many benefits and gifts that God has promised us. One of the reasons for that Benefit deficiency could be your Loyalty. Or, the lack thereof. I believe that one of the greatest problems in life today is a lack of a deep sense of loyalty on the part of many Christians. One of the Pastors (Pastor Ben) at my church told a story of how when his kids are told to perform a task, they would say “Right A Way, All the way, With A Happy Heart".  I thought that was pretty cool. We could learn a lot from kids. I also believe that as Christians we can become complacent and forget to activate that little cool phrase in our daily lives.  And that little cool phrase can be the link to your Benefits.

Let's start with your job. Ask yourself, how loyal am I to my employer. Do I spend time complaining or whining about the leadership. Am I just there for the check? Or do I take responsibility for what I was called to do right now, and go out of my way to work hard for the team in spite of the circumstances around me. Do I simply put the team first.

Loyalty can be the glue that keeps a friendship from falling apart. It inspires trust and commitment in a marriage that’s destine to stand the test of time. Michael Jordon coined a great quote about loyalty. "The game is my wife. It demands loyalty and responsibility, and it gives me back fulfillment and peace" Unfortunately Michael Jordon didn't follow his own rule. But, regardless of Mr. Jordan's failures in his marriage, the rules don't change. The game could be your job, your friends, your family, and yes, even your church. If you give it. You will receive it. It's conditional. Sounds familiar. Yeah, our Lord and savior plays by the same rules. If you do ........., then He'll do .........

Now just in case you are confused as to the meaning of the word Loyalty, I went to the Thesaurus and did a search of like (synonyms) words. They are: adherence, allegiance, ardor, bond, devotedness, devotion, duty, earnestness, faith, fidelity, homage, honesty, honor, integrity, obedience, patriotism, reliability, steadfastness, submission, support, trueness, trustworthiness, and zeal.  Whatever word you choose, the meaning stays the same. And so do the results.

So as we approach this new year, recommit yourself to God and pray for a new refreshing spirit in your marriage, with family and friends, and on your job. Take on new challenges and rededicate your life to doing greater deeds for others. Until my next writing, stay Blessed and go receive your Benefits.

Here is a helpful tool you can use to assist in honestly evaluating where you stand when it come to you loyalty.
1- Examine your heart and grade yourself on your loyalty in the following areas:
Your God _______
Your marriage _______
Your family _______
Your friendships _______
Your job _______
Your church _______
Assigned tasks _______

2- Look at where you rate yourself the weakest, and ask yourself the following questions:
A- Do you see your absence of loyalty as sin?
B- Do you see your absence of loyalty in any of these areas as an absence of commitment to Christ?
C- What steps can you take in the next two weeks to begin to deal with your lack of loyalty in these areas?
D- Ask God to sensitize your spirit, especially to your family, your employer, and the Body of Christ. Ask Him to give you His mind and His kind of loyalty. Thank Him in advance for doing so.

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