Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Choose Life

From the moment we rise in the morning until we lie down at the close of the day, we are barraged with dozens, sometimes hundreds of choices. What time to wake up in the morning, what to wear, breakfast, choices at work, lunch. Most of these choices are simple choices that require very little thought. Then there are the tough choices that require intellectual mental training.
In my line of work I come into contact with all types of individuals all day long. Men and women, young and old, and all ethnic backgrounds. During these interactions choices are constantly being made. Choices such as, do I write a citation, tow a vehicle, change a tire on the interstate, make an arrest. There are also times when I have to make some very tough choices. How to approach a vehicle or a person that I think may have deadly intentions is probably one of the most difficult choices I make. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, I rely on my training, and my faith, because it is likely that I may have little time to stop and think about the choice.

As Christians we are also faced with some very tough choices. Like my job, some of these choices can lead to life or death. In Deuteronomy 30:19 God states "I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live". God makes it plain and clear. He tells us in simple terms that we will have choices to make in our lives, then He graciously tells us how to choose and then why.

I’ve gotten a few spankings in my time, and I’m sure you can relate. And as a father I’ve had to unfortunately give out a few of those spankings. There’s no doubt that all of those spankings came with a warning label. “Bad Choices Lead To Spanking”.  Now, there were times when I might have deserved a spanking and instead received a good fussing. We call that Mercy. Regardless of the consequence, it was due to making a bad choice.

The natural consequences of our choices remain constant throughout our lives. For example, if you run a red light, God will forgive you of the sin for breaking the law. But, God allows the natural consequence of you receiving that ticket flow. Bad choice = Bad Consequence. Let’s take this to the other extreme. Same scenario, but running the red light is something you often habitually do and this time you strike and kill a pedestrian. You are still forgiven, however, the consequences become much more severe.

The same goes with every choice we make. From whether you should eat bacon or fruit for breakfast - to casually speaking or seductively flirting with the pretty women on your job. Sooner or later those choices will determine your consequences. Remember, no matter what choices we make today, they are ultimately creating our future because every choice that we make will either cause us to be blessed or cursed.

What about the impact to all those important people around you. Your spouse, children, the church, friends, co-workers, or your neighbors. Do the choices you make impact them? You better believe they do. And the consequences from your choices (good or bad) can be extremely rewarding or terribly devastating to them all. Christians must realize that it is our job to protect the church. If our goal is to be Christ- like then we have to be imitators of Christ. James 4: 17 says “So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.” God holds us accountable for everything we do. He especially expects us to protect those individuals He has placed in our path.

At a recent men’s meeting, my pastor shared with us some pointers about keeping our marriage strong and protected. One point he made was that men don’t always plan to have affairs, but more troubling is that they don’t plan not to have an affair. We (men) get complacent and allow the enemy to creep in. Making little bad choice along the way leaves the door open for the enemy to walk into our lives and wreak havoc on us. Whether it’s an affair, stealing, or some other form of addiction, we must plan not to make wrong choices. You will make a calculated mistake if you think you can sit back and just pray the enemy away. You must choose to prepare for battle. Choose to go on the offense. Recognize that your anointing is sacred and must be protected.

The choice to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior is the single most important choice you will ever make. One of the many benefits of choosing to accept Christ is the access you gain to His endless supply of weapons. With these weapons making the right choice becomes easy.


Vanessa A. Johnson said...

Amen. Great blog topic Kenny. Seems like these little teachings would fit well in a little inspirational/guidance book :) Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

What a great and encouraging word about the choices we make, and the consequences that follows! You go bro!!