Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Ultimate Sacrafice

What a wonderful day. It started with a kiss from my lovely wife and has progressed to this writing. The kiss was amazing and the opportunity to share my thoughts with you is just as rewarding. But the stuff in the middle of these two events came with a cost.

"Lets see...Walked Lexi (my dog), cleaned my pool, went to Home Depot, went to Church, had great fellowship with fellow believers, heard a great and powerful message, let my son drive home, finished cleaning my pool, BBQ for the family, cleaned my back yard, swam 20 laps in the pool, took a shower, and now sharing my thoughts".

Of course some of the minor details have been left out, but my point is this. None of the above would have been possible had it not been for the sacrifice of the men and women of our armed forces. Especially those brave men and women who gave it all so that you and I could enjoy these freedoms.

I just peeked out of my window to take a look at Old Glory. That's right, the symbol of this great country the American flag. I think about how amazingly blessed we are to live in such a wonderful country. Even at our darkest hour we have been blessed with freedoms that far outweigh other countries.

Jesus gave the ultimate sacrifice too. "John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." What do you believe about Jesus, the ultimate sacrifice? Is He your ultimate sacrifice? If not, He can be. Jesus redeemed mankind by going to Calvary and purchasing our redemption. He sacrifice Himself in our place, so that we can become children of God!

Thank God for the sacrifice of others. Their sacrifice, like Jesus has giving us so much to be thankful for.

So don't mourn those who gave their life, rejoice and be thankful that they did.

In His Service,


Jay said...

sean-- Wow dad what a great message.. im proud of u making this! god bless.God gonna do great things in your life. love ya
Jay------->Very nice blog uncle Kenney. Its very inspiring and uplifting. Your doing the will of the Lord and he is very pleased and happy. Im proud of you and I hope this blog is very successful.

Jaren--Nice blog uncle kenney.

ELSHADDAIS Warrior Prince said...

Wow Kenney!
I'm always conscious of the sacrifices made for us to live this life. Myself spending 6 years total in the United States Marine Corps also leaves me with that deep rooted inner feeling of life, given for us to enjoy freedom. As you have also stated, John 3:16 is the ULTIMATE. FATHER GOD, Thanks for saving Kenney! Protect him wholly, be with him wherever he is! Continue to abide with his family, friends, & co-workers closely associated with him. MASTER, He Is Your SON That Serves..Thanks Again ELSHADDAI..In "JESUS" Name Amen-Selah. {Calvin "C.C." Clark / Servant Of The Most High, Bodyguard,Protector}

Anonymous said...

Great message. We don't live in a perfect country, but compared to the rest of the world, one should considered oneself blessed to be a part of the USA. May God bless all members of the Armed Forces past and present, especially the Marine Corps. Semper Fi.

Ashley said...

Awesome blog daddy! :) love you

Ethel Alicia Dinvaut said...

Mr.Kenney your blog was great,very inspiring,and filled with Love!I really enjoyed reading it continue to let God speak through you. Providing others with words of wisdom, Love, and understanding. He will forever be a Blessing unto you!
-I Love You & the Family
<3, Ethel Alicia

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